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  • Wed, September 25, 2019 1:29 PM | Anonymous

    NAC Safety White Paper No. 48, “NAC Recognizes Known Contractors Achieving One Million Workhours with Zero OSHA Recordable Injuries” was recently released showing the firms reaching this impressive milestone according to OSHA records.  (See, Safety White Paper No. 48).

  • Wed, March 06, 2019 12:48 PM | Anonymous

    “Safe + Sound,” OSHA's year-round campaign to encourage every workplace to have a safety and health program, includes both employers and workers.  Employers are encouraged to participate in quarterly events to develop effective safety and health programs in their workplaces. Participants can learn about best practices during webinars and put them into action during the 30-day challenges. These events also focus on management leadership, worker involvement, as well as finding and fixing hazards. CIRT member firms can share their safety successes during Safe + Sound Week (August 12-18, 2019).  If interested, sign up on the Safe + Sound website.

  • Tue, January 01, 2019 12:47 PM | Anonymous

    The goal of Build Your Future (BYF) is to change the perceptions that parents, teachers, counselors, and other influencers have about careers in construction with the ultimate goal being to recruit more young people into the community/industry. To accomplish this, BYF seeks to use non-traditional but proven media methods to push out and spread messages: social media and YouTube; geo-targeting; and behavior targeting.  Check out www.byf.org

    As interest is generated by  Build Your Future (from a robust social media campaign/videos, etc.), a website is needed -- www.discovery.byf.org -- to drive people to it that contains the key concepts the BYF is trying to instill about construction careers. The website was designed specifically for parents, teachers, counselors and others to provide information on careers in construction in a way that resonates with them.

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