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session recordings & Conference Handouts

Crossroads in '24:  Policy, Politics & Prosperity - presented by Dan Clifton, Director & Head of Policy Research, The Strategas Group

Dan's slide deck

National Security & Global Affairs - presented by Admiral Mike Rogers

Million Women in Construction Initiative - presented by Latifa Lyles, Senior Advisor to the Secretary for Women in Construction, Department of Commerce

Work Force Issues - presented by Martin J. Walsh, Former Mayor of Boston; Former Secretary of Labor; and currently Executive Vice President of the National Hockey League Association.

 Psychological Safety Sourced & Applied in Modern Business -   
 presented by JMJ Associates

    • William Savage, Principal Consultant
    • Camille Ford,Principal Consultant

CIRT Business Report to the Membership - presented by Henry Massman & Mark Casso.

Please contact Jane Bonvillain if you have any questions about the Spring Meeting.
Mobile: 321-378-9925

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